AOP – Logging all method calls and executions in Java with AspectJ

This is not a walk-thru. This is just an example AspectJ class.

Note: For logging, the log singleton which I previously posted is used, but of course you can hook this up to your own logging methods or just print to the console.

This class is intended to log when a method executes and when a method ends. Methods inside are tabbed.

package mainExample;

import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;

public aspect AspectLogMethodExecution
	private int tabCount = 0;

	pointcut AnyMethod() : (call(* *.*(..)) || execution(* *.*(..)))
						&& !within(AspectLogMethodExecution)
						&& !within(Log);

	before() : AnyMethod()

	after() : AnyMethod()

	private void PrintMethod(JoinPoint.StaticPart inPart)
		Log.WriteLine(GetTabs() + inPart);

	private String GetTabs()
		String tabs = "";
		for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++)
			tabs += "\t";
		return tabs;

So if you have a simple Hello, World app, this is the log output.

execution(void mainExample.Main.main(String[]))
execution(void mainExample.Main.main(String[]))

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One Comment

  1. [...] This class is intended to log when a method executes and when a method ends and include the time it took for a method to execute in nanoseconds. Methods inside methods are tabbed. This is an enhancement to this post: AOP – Logging all method calls and executions [...]

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